“I never imagined jury duty would enable me to sit for two unforgettable weeks and watch a lawyer who was as powerful, dynamic and charismatic as any movie‑star‑lawyer I’ve ever seen.”

Isn’t that what most of us dream of hearing jurors say about us after a trial?

Stop Dreaming. Become that lawyer.


“You need to command the courtroom.” You’ve heard that phrase again and again, but no one has ever taught you precise and specific skills that enable you to do it to the extent you desire. The radically innovative, scientifically sound skills you will learn in this course, will change that.


We will teach you a set of radically innovative, persuasive performance skills that will enable you to take control of judges and juror’s brains to make them think and feel what you want them to think and feel. That sounds like science fiction, but you’ll see that it’s science fact… and we’ll show you the latest neuroscientific research that supports every advocacy skill you’ll learn.


Perhaps you don’t think of yourself as an entertainer, so let’s look at a primary definition: “to keep a group of people interested” (Cambridge). There is only one way to ensure that you will command and control a courtroom: You must be a dynamic, exciting entertainer. We’ll show you innovative and radical ways to become one.

JurisPerfect Performance Lab is Trial Advocacy Training for Fearless – or those who want to become Fearless Trial Lawyers. The first thing you’ll learn is the most vital aspect of becoming a winning trial lawyer.

We Teach Trust

Trust is instinctual, but (amazingly) we teach it.

In every mammalian species trust begins at birth. It remains instinctual and in humans, is secured or denied in fractions of a second. This course will teach you how to secure trust – in fractions of a second.


George Clinton for the 1975 Funkadelic album Let's Take It to the Stage

Perhaps you’ve attended a trial advocacy workshop or “bootcamp,” and (most of the time), you sat there in a room with forty-five other eager lawyers listening to some remarkable war stories and words of wisdom from some very successful trial lawyers about how to hone your theories and questions. [“you sat there” is the key phrase.]

This ain't that

and here's why:

Information Without Application Is Worthless.
Application Without Repetition Is Worthless.
Repetition Without Critique Is Worthless.
Critique Without Application is Worthless.

Theories and ideas are fine; skills are better.

During every phase of our four-day program, you will be on your feet performing the skills you’ll learn from our two seasoned and battle-tested trial lawyers; skills you’ll use in every phase of a jury trial. You will also learn an entirely new vocabulary of proprietary entertainment skills developed by our former television and film character actor – turned trial strategist. These skills have been taught to award-winning actors, writers, directors and producers from Hollywood to Bollywood (literally), since 1993, and to some of the finest trial lawyers from coast to coast since 2003.

There will only be eight participants in this Performance Lab.

So yeah, during our four days, you’ll Get Off Your Ass (GOYA) a lot.

Your Instructors

The Radical Veteran

Judson Graves

Judson Graves

Co-Founder, Trial Lawyer

During his 35+ years at Alston & Bird, LLP, Judson Graves was featured in the National Law Journal’s annual feature article “Winning,” as one of ten top trial lawyers in the United States.

Over 100 civil jury cases
tried to verdict.

Three of his defense verdicts
were cited by the National Law Journal as being among the “most difficult defense wins” in the country in three separate years.

in the American College of Trial Lawyers since 1998.

Former Interim Dean
at Emory University School of Law

“Tradition of Excellence and Service to the Public and Bar Award”
2014 recipient, from the General Practice and Trial Section of the State Bar of Georgia.

The Innovative Actor

Judson Vaughn

Judson Vaughn

Co-Founder, Actor, Filmmaker, Trial Strategist

As a character actor, Judson Vaughn shared the screen with some of the biggest stars in the world, including: Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner, Steve Martin, Mary Tyler Moore, and Laura Linney.

A Social Scientist
His first profession was gerontological research.

A New Way to Act
He created an entirely new way to direct the emotions of audiences that is much more efficient than what actors have always been taught.

He’s a Filmmaker
For Judson, directing and producing were even more exciting and intellectually challenging than acting.

He unraveled one of mankind’s biggest mysteries: How and why trust is created or denied, and he’s been teaching this secret since 1993.

The Fearless Trial Lawyer

Jason Sheffield

Jason B. Sheffield

Co-Founder, Criminal Defense & Civil Trial Lawyer

Jason Sheffield’s criminal cases have been covered by media internationally. As a screen writer and former actor, he is acclaimed for his creativity and powerful visual performances during trials.

Embassy, Republic of Georgia
invited Sheffield to develop and teach a trial course to criminal defense attorneys after the ROG obtained independence from Russia and ratified their constitution to allow for jury trials.

the G. Terry Jackson “Friend of the Constitution” Award for his demonstration of courage in talking on unpopular cases.

Past President
of The Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer's 1600-member organization

“He just won the case,”
is a direct quote – by multiple trial judges – in open court after Sheffield’s opening statement.

“For me, every jury trial was a drama. I loved playing up the most dramatic elements of the case for the jury whenever possible, and jurors responded positively. At the same time, I was often perplexed by many opposing lawyers who either did not have the desire – or perhaps the skills – to exploit the dramatic elements on their side of the case. I always viewed that as a missed opportunity, one I frequently benefited from.”

— Judson Graves

JurisPerfect Performance Lab’s goal is to make sure no one who attends our course ever misses an opportunity to embrace and capture the drama during every trial.

JurisPerfect Performance Lab:

Command / Control / Entertain

Four Life-Changing Days
Three Innovative Instructors
Eight Passionate Participants

You’ll never look at a trial – or the world – in the same way again.